Open Data Policy Collection

Independence, MO

Administrative Policy (Mar 15, 2016)

View original policy

Sunlight provided assistance with the development of this policy.

Highlight text matching an Open Data Policy Guideline:



The City of Independence shall develop and implement practices to provide city data in open formats for use by the public and city staff. Use of the publishable data by other agencies, journalists and the public is encouraged to assist in improving city Services and promoting civic engagement.


To develop systems and processes to automate the release of data, making it available to internal users and the public in a more useful responsive way, which allows for the improvement of government service provision, increases transparency, promotes civic engagement, and encourages the use of data by the public.


The City commits to the development and implementation of practices which:

Prioritize the release of publishable city data, making it freely available in open formats; and

Publish ; and

Establish and maintain an open data web portal that provides a central location for published city data; and

Consult with members of the public, agency staff, journalists, researchers, and other stakeholders regarding which datasets will have the greatest benefit to residents of the City; and

Measure the effectiveness of datasets made available through the Open Data Initiative by connecting open data efforts to the city’s programmatic priorities; and

Minimize limitations on data disclosure while ensuring all datasets released comply with federal, state, and local privacy statutes regarding the release of protected and sensitive information, including RSMo Section 610.035 and RSMo Section 610.021 (21) which prohibit, among other things, release of social security numbers, personal identification numbers and credit card numbers; and

Encourage innovative uses of the city’s publishable data by agencies, the public, and other partners; and

The development and implementation of these practices shall be overseen by the Open Data Coordinator in collaboration with the Information Technology Steering Committee; and

The requirements of this Policy shall apply to any city department, office, administrative unit, commission, board, advisory committee or other division of city government.


Implementation of the Open Data Initiative will be managed by an Open Data Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the City Manager. The Open Data Coordinator will lead the IT Steering Committee, made up of departmental personnel, in its oversight of the open data initiative.

In order to increase and improve use of the city’s open data, the IT Steering Committee will actively encourage agency and public participation by providing regular opportunities for feedback and collaboration.

Location for Published Data Web Portal

The city will maintain open data on its existing Open Data Portal at Should a successor website be used, the IT Steering Committee shall provide public notice on the City’s website:

Datasets published on the Open Data Portal shall be placed into the public domain.

Open Data Report and Review

The IT Steering Committee shall provide an update on the Open Data Initiative during the Technology Service’s Annual Budget Report to the City Council. This report shall include an assessment of progress toward achievement of the goals of the city’s open data program, a list of how datasets currently available the Open Data Portal have furthered or will further the City’s strategic goals, and a description and publication timeline for datasets to be published on the portal in the following year.

During the review and reporting period, the Open Data Coordinator should also make Suggestions for improving the city’s open data management processes in order to ensure that the city continues to move towards the achievement of the policy’s goals.

Approved: John Pinch, City Manager

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